이달의 증례


이달의 증례
ECG of the Month
년도 2002년 7월
카테고리 이달의 심전도
첨부파일 1 2002_7_2.gif
  • 관리자
  • 등록일 : 2013.03.25
  • Hit 975


A 79-year old man was referred to our heart center for dizzines and syncope. He had been on medication for angina pectoris, essential hypertension and diabetes mellitus.

Physical examination disclosed no significant abnormality except grade II systolic murmur at the right upper sternal border. ECG taken on admission showed normal sinus rhythm with prolonged PR interval and 2 beats with LBBB morphology (Fig. 1). On second hospital day, he complained dizziness, 12-lead ECG was recorded demonstrating sinus tachycardia with intermittent drop of QRS complex and LBBB in addition to preexisting PR prolongation (Fig. 2). We thought that syncope of this patient should be caused by paroxysmal high grade AV block. We performed electrophysiology study to evaluate the electrophysiologic function of the sinus node and AV conduction system and implanted a permanent pacemaker based on results of the electrophysiology study (Fig. 3 and 4) and his clinical symptom.

His final electrophysiologic diagnosis was first degree AV nodal and intra-Hisian block and intermittent second egree (or probably high grade) infra-Hisian block presenting with dizziness and syncope. 




 Fig. 1. Standard 12-lead ECG recorded at the OPD prior to admission. ECG showed normal sinus rhythm with first degree AV block and 2 beats with LBBB morphology.
 Fig 2. ECG recorded at the time of dizzy spell. ECG shows sinus tachycardia with first degree and type II second degree AV block and LBBB. This ECG suggested that the patient would have severe AV conduction system abnormality, urging us to perform electrophysiology study.
 Fig. 3. His bundle electrogram during sinus rhythm at baseline state. AH and HV intervals were prolonged (167 ms and 60 ms, respectively) and His bundle potential was widely splitted (HH' interval: 100 ms). This findings indicated that the patient had diffuse abnormalities in the AV conduction system.
 Fig. 4. His bundle recording during incremental atrial pacing. At pacing cycle length of 630 ms, 2 to 1 AV block developed at the infra-His system. This finding was compatible to his spontaneous episode of paroxysmal second degree AV block.



자료제공: 전남의대 조정관 [ chojg@unitel.co.kr ]

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